Thursday, January 19, 2012


Well.  I had a call from Miss 17 today about a car and I was left stunned!

When I buy a new car, I don't trade or sell the old one. Yes I  have to pay 5 registrations but the cars are mine. Not work utes or the like, personal vehicles paid for out of my own pocket. One of those cars is a BMW 318i that I bought new and has all the bells and whistles, full service history and has only done around 120,000 klms.

I thought it would be a nice pressie for Miss 17 when she obtained her drivers license.  It is a beautiful motor car, always garaged and in top nick.

Miss 17 calls me today and says she wants to buy a car and wait for it, could she trade-in my BMW?

Now she is still at school, has no funds to buy a car and is unlikely to be able to afford one for some time.  I asked WHY she didn't want the Beemer to which she replied, it was too big and she wanted something smaller.

  • a) I will not pay for another car for her.
  • b) I will NOT be a guarantor for ANY loan
  • c) I am stunned that ANYONE would turn down such a gift!
I'm just gobsmacked to the extent that I am prepared to bring the car here and sell it to the highest bidder.

I don't think she's ungrateful - but to be honest, I think she bloody well is!


Help please by leaving a reply, anonymous or otherwise.  When I was a kid a fifty quid bomb was as good as it gets!


Whitie said...

Ouch , I feel for you as I face similar circumstances with Mr 20 who's studying full time at uni. Decided that the commodore, which i pay for rego & servicing with 240k klicks was too old for him.
Well, you need to advise little Miss 17 that she is a very lucky girl and that a present is to be respected not thrown.If she does not like it, then as the rightful owner you intend to take it back with no other vehicle to be replaced. You will need to practice some tough love mate.
Cheers stevegroscreole (steve white)

Cutto said...

She seems a tad ungrateful to me, mate. When I was a boy I would have done anything to have been given a car, no matter what it was. let her get a job and work for it, would be my advice. Match Dollar for dollar perhaps.

Anonymous said...

Mate, she's only 17? And still at school?


Make her get a p/t (after school?) job ... alternately, take on (lowly) paid chores at home for you ... and first demonstrate ability to work, be responsible with money, save. Let her choose the total sum she's willing to spend on a car. Agree between you on a fair *deposit* value.

When (and only when) she's saved that deposit, thus demonstrating work ethic/financial responsibility, then "do a deal" viz sell/trade-in the Beemer.

If nothing else, you'll get to keep the Beemer for some time while she's proving herself ... and, she may well change her mind about how much she wants/"needs" a car at price $X,000 after having to work/save for a while ;-)

onlylisa said...

You don't need to explain anything. The answer is no.
Beggars can't be choosers.

Pam said...

Oh for heaven's sake, at 17yrs she's a new driver and would be far better off with a small car. Really, were you thinking of her needs when you gave it to her, or your own ego?

You say you have 4 other cars, give her a smaller one and keep the Beemer to show off to your mates.

You come across as a mean, snarky man which is your right in this country, but a mean, snarky father is aborrent.

Ben said...

Go Pam, well said. What a selfish lonely old man (I use the term man lightly). Nothing you said in this post is about the girl, it's all about you.